Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

277 - Degree in Environmental Sciences

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
25229 - Environment Management Projects and Systems
Faculty / School:
201 - Escuela Politécnica Superior
277 - Degree in Environmental Sciences
Second Four-month period
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process designed for this course is based on the following methodologies: Theoretical sessions, Project-based learning, Independent learning and Tutorial.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that the student is offered to achieve the expected results includes the following activities:


  • Theoretical sessions. The teacher explains the theoretical content of each session. One of the objectives of this activity will be the promoting of the participation of the students and the cooperative learning.
  • Project-based learning. Students gain knowledge and skills by working with examples of real projects. It is included the analysis of environmental information of local and regional administrations.
  • Independent learning. The goal of this activity will be to achieve the ability to take charge of one’s learning based on individual and group works.
  • Tutorial. Students, working in groups or individually, meet up with the professor and discuss their studies.

5.3. Syllabus

Theoretical Programme

1. Introduction. Concept, objectives and characteristics of projects. 
2.  Types of projects. Phases of a project. General framework.

3. Contents of a classical project.

4. The project in a company. Its management.

5. Detection of opportunities. Client, market and product. Business plan. Business opportunities. Public tenders. The Contract Act of public administrations.

6. Assessment of projects and activities.

7. Preparation of offers and their presentation. Work allocation.

8. Project monitoring. Revision of offers and agreements. Organization and collection of resources. Project configuration control. Changes in the scope of projects.  Application to environmental projects.

9. Closure of projects. Acceptance. Closure reports. Project outcome indicators.


Practical Sessions and real case studies on which students will work during the whole subject.

Distance Activities will be done by students without time restrictions and will consist of the exercises proposed during the theoretical and practical sessions.

5.4. Course planning and calendar


It is estimated that an average student should devote to this subject, 6 ECTS, a total of 150 hours. This time must include both classroom and non-attendance activities. The student must ensure that the dedication is distributed evenly throughout the quarter.


Type Activity


Presential activity


⁻         Theory


⁻         Problems


⁻         Evaluation


Non presential work


⁻         Individual work


⁻         Team work




5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB Conesa Fernández-Vítora, Vicente. Guía metodológica para la evaluación del impacto ambiental / Vicente Conesa Fdez-Vítora ; colaboradores, Vicente Conesa Ripoll [et al.] ; prólogo de María Teresa Estevan Bolea . 3ª ed. rev. y amp., reimp. Madrid [etc.] : Mundi-Prensa, 1997|g(reimpr. 2000)
BB Gómez Orea, Domingo. Consultoría e ingeniería ambiental : planes, programas, proyectos, estudios, instrumentos de control ambiental, dirección y ejecución ambiental de obra, gestión ambiental de actividades / Domingo Gómez Orea, Mauricio Gómez Villarino . Madrid : Mundi-Prensa, 2007
BB Granero Castro, Javier. Cómo implantar un sistema de gestión ambiental según la norma ISO 14001:2004 :/ Javier Granero Castro, Miguel Ferrando Sánchez . 2ª ed. Madrid : Fundación Confemetal, 2009
BB Kiely, Gerard. Ingeniería ambiental : Fundamentos, entornos, tecnologías y sistemas de gestión / Gerard Kiely ; coordinador de la traducción y revisión técnica, José Miguel Veza . 1a ed. en español Madrid : McGraw-Hill, D.L. 1999
BB La evaluación del impacto ambiental de proyectos y actividades agroforestales / coordinadores, Manuela Andrés Abellán, Francisco Antonio García Morote . Cuenca : Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2006
BB Margalef, Ramón. Ecología / Ramón Margalef . 10a reimp. Barcelona : Omega, cop. 2005
BB Restauración hidrológico forestal de cuencas y control de la erosión : ingeniería medioambiental / [dirección, Filiberto López Cadenas de Llano ; colaboradores, Gonzalo Fernández Tomás...(et al.)] . 2ª ed., rev. y amp. Madrid : TRAGSA : TRAGSATEC : Ministerio de Medio Ambiente : Mundi-Prensa, 1998


The updated recommended bibliography can be consulted in: